Friday, July 29, 2016

LIGHTS OUT, PG-13 ( 1 hr & 21 min )


I went to see this today, Friday, July 29th, 2016, here in Vallejo, CA, at the CENTURY 14 VALLEJO, for the 5:00 p.m. show in auditorium 11, 7th row from the front, 8ht column from the right. The price of admission was $8.50. And I bought a $5.40 Nachos w/ Cheese and $0.00 ( free offer on my movie-watcher e-mail reward coupon ) small Powerade Mountain Berry Blast at the concessions counter.

Quickie Review:  Rebecca ( Teresa Palmer ) thought that she had left her personal problem behind when she left home to be on her own. But when she realizes that her little brother ( Gabriel Bateman ) is also suffering from the same evil visitations, she decides to put an end to it, once and for all.

The audience liked this movie. I liked this movie, too. This is a good scary movie for fans of the genre. Go see this movie.

Here's what I didn't like about the movie because it just didn't make any sense at all:  I didn't like the scene at the back of the ambulance where they were drinking bottled water fresh from the refrigerator. The bottles were without labels. Come on! If you can't get a bottled water company to sponsor your movie, you can make up your own bottle labels---It's not that hard to do. Really ....


I had some minor cough last night which affected my meditation. I took a dose of Nyquil to get rid of it. The medication and my meditation knocked me out for almost 12 hours! I was past noontime when I awakened. I had to check and see whether I was scheduled for work or not. Am I glad I wasn't 'cause I would have been way late showing up for work.

About this movie, I don't know if I reacted to it because it is a good scary movie or if I reacted subjectively to it. Because I have had four confirmed encounters with "shadow entities" in my life.

The first one was in Kidapawan, Cotabato, Mindanao, Philippines, when I was about 5 years old. My whole family slept in the same huge room that had a door which locked only from the inside. I decided to see if I could stay awake all night---Bad idea. Around midnight, with some stray dogs howling in the distance, the door opened and I saw a short, skinny "man" walk slowly into the room. This "man" was headed toward my parents bed. It stopped in its tracks as it saw the Veronica's Veil image of Jesus Christ at the altar above the headboard of my parents' bed. It stared at the image of Jesus Christ as it slowly moved back and out of the bedroom, with the door closing and locking itself after the "man" had gone away.

This is one of many examples of Veronica's Veil that I found online. My family's Veronica's Veil is somewhat similar to this, but in color. My family's Veronica's Veil cured my father of his alcoholism and cured me of my paralysis. The next time that I vacation in the Philippines, I will try and hunt down the same exact Veil to purchase and keep with me. There should be vendors of such Veils outside of Catholic churches throughout the Philippines. For the life of me, I don't know why the kind of Veil that I am looking for is not sold online ( maybe, I'm not searching hard enough ).

The second time was in Matina, Davao City, Mindanao, Philippines, when I was about 10 years old. Outside the second story bedroom that I shared with my brother and sisters was the roof that was above the kitchens and bathrooms of the apartment building where we lived. It was raining lightly. I couldn't sleep because I had a mild fever. Then, the back-side neighbor's dog howled. I heard slow, measured footsteps on the roof. Soon, I saw a young, slender "woman" walk slowly across the 6-unit apartment's lower roof. We occupied the second unit, and the "woman" walked toward the 1st unit. As it walked past the window, it stopped, took a few steps back and peered into my room as if it had noticed me watching it. Of course, I did what little kids would do in such a situation: I covered my head with my blanket! It resumed its walk until it got to the end of the 1st unit. Then, the footsteps ended; and the dog stopped howling. ( My sisters had seen this "woman", too, according to them, on a separate, similar occasion. Our dad slept in our room one lightly-raining night armed with his Colt 1911 handgun but the "woman" was a no-show. )

The third time was in Oakland, California, USA, when I was in my early 20s. It was around noontime when I awakened in a trance. I was sleeping on my belly, with my head turned to the left. When I opened my eyes, I saw a short, skinny "man" outside of my bedroom's rear window looking at me. It ducked away as soon as it noticed that I had seen it. I wanted to go to the window to confront the "man". But I couldn't move my body as I was still in a trance. It took me quite an effort to break my trance. By then, the "man" was already long gone.

The fourth time was here in Vallejo, California, USA, when I was 36 or 37 years old. I rented a room at my sister's house back before I bought my condo. One night, while sleeping on my right side, I was awakened by an uncomfortable feeling of labored breathing. I opened my eyes to the sight of a short, skinny "man" trying to enter my body through my nostrils! I couldn't see its face because it was dark, the source of light shining through the window only coming from the light post outside at the curb. I, once again, was still in the weakening grip of a trance so I couldn't move. I did a "stare-down" contest against this "man". Slowly, it sank down into the floor. I felt enervated as I rolled onto my back in bed. Then, I felt a pair of hands pushing up against my back. I guess that I "squashed" it with my body weight. 'Served it right! Ha, ha, ha.

In 2003, I did a form of meditation that allowed me to have an encounter with the apartment building "woman". I may have put an end to this particular haunting. But I won't know until I go back to Matina, Davao City, Mindanao, Philippines, to interview the present occupants of that apartment building.

In 2010, my niece in Grand Rapids, Michigan, told me that she saw a shadow entity sitting cross-legged in a chair in her parent's room in broad daylight. She ran out of there frightened for her life. Her description of the shadow entity was the same as mine: Short and skinny. This shadow entity was not scared of my niece but seemed scared of me. I want to get to the bottom of this particular haunting someday and end it for good!


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