Sunday, March 17, 2013

THE CALL, R ( 1 hr & 36 min )


where: CENTURY 14 VALLEJO in Vallejo, CA
when: Thursday, March 14th, 2013
show: 10:05 p.m. Advanced Screening
costs: $10.50 Ticket + $6.98 # 14 Angus Burger, Mushroom and Swiss Cheese combo meal @ MacDonald's Restaurant before the show = $17.48
auditorium: 11
seat: 4th row ( counting from the front ), 8ht column ( counting from the left )

synopsis/overview: A 911 emergency dispatcher ( Halle Berry ) is still haunted by her past mistake when the serial killer ( Michael Eklund ) strikes again. Now, she must gather about her wits to help save the victim ( Abigail Breslin ) from a gruesome fate.

noteworthy scenes: 1.) Emergency calls; 2.) Prowler; 3.) Redial; 4.) "It's already done"; 5.) Bat; 6.) News; 7.) "Is that even legal"; 8.) Training; 9.) "Stay emotionally detached"; 10.) The Hive; 11.) Abduction in progress; 12.) "It's a disposable, no tracer"; 13.) "I'm waiving"; 14.) Switched plates; 15.) White paint; 16.) Stop sign; 17.) Nosy stranger; 18.) Blood; 19.) Panic; 20.) Crime scene investigation; 21.) "We're gonna fight"; 22.) Identification; 23.) Gas station; 24.) Match found; 25.) House; 26.) Bedroom shrine; 27.) "We got your prints at the scene of a murder"; 28.) Familiar voice; 29.) "I have the right to arrest you for obstruction"; 30.) Old cabin; 31.) "I want you to go home"; 32.) "Oh, you're not gonna want to see that"; 33.) Tape recording; 34.) Photo album; 35.) Familiar sound; 36.) Hair; and 37.) Pay-back time!

audience reaction: The female audience liked it and gave it a "Hands Clapper" ending.

recommendation: I liked it, for the most part. But, then, the ending's logic fell apart as it showed more holes in it than can be found in any slice of Swiss Cheese--even the Swiss Cheese in the burger that I ate before I went to see this movie! And that makes this movie a "rental".

spoiler alert! What was that girl doing alone in her family's home in the middle of the night? Why wasn't she able to use the knife that she had in her hand before the serial killer could flip her unto her back? How was the serial killer able to get himself into his car at the shopping mall's garage before his victim could reach her own car? After an emergency responder botches a job, isn't he/she required to take a "Stress Leave"? Why didn't the serial killer feel the car shaking when his victim was trying to get attention while he was filling-up the gas tank? Why didn't the gas station attendant run away and out of reach of the pouring gasoline after he was doused with it? On the highway, two cop cars were approaching from the opposite direction with lights flashing and sirens blaring but she didn't slow down and pull over to the shoulder even though there was no divider between the lanes. Her cellphone dropped to the ground from a distance of about 16 feet but it didn't get broken ( whereas, the victim's cellphone dropped to the floor of the parking garage from just a distance of about 4 feet but ended-up broken ). The specimens that the serial killer collected from his victims were obviously from different crime dates and would have had exhibited different rates of putrefaction; and putting such specimens in a refrigerator would not stop the putrefaction process. In which case, the dead girl's hair WOULD REALLY NOT BE THAT PLEASANT TO SMELL! Why didn't she finish-off the serial killer when she had the chance? His previous victims were naked and/or scantily-clad, but the latest one wasn't--a lapse in his Modus Operandi! and a bummer for horndogs out there. LOL. What they did to the serial killer made them guilty of at least three crimes--probably more!

fyi: Dang! my cellphone is a TracFone. Therefore, it is not tracer-capable. Maybe that's a good thing, though. Heh, heh, heh.

word of advice: Always finish-off your opponent in a "kill-or-be-killed" fight!

tidbits: After so many years, I finally met with Mr. Lewis Nowosad today! The local newspaper did an article on him years ago about his childhood psychic ability to predict plane crashes ( I'll keep him in mind should I decide to take advantage of any "frequent flyer" program ) and his current hobby as a "ghost buster". He is also the lead singer and guitarist for his band: Junkyard Academy ( ). And he posted a comment on one of my blogs, the one on INSIDIOUS ( February 2012 ).

Maybe, someday I can go "ghost busting" with him and his team!

After work and before seeing this movie, I went to the MacDonald's Restaurant in Benicia, CA, at 1602 East 2nd Street to have dinner and to go on-line.


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