Friday, May 27, 2011

KUNG FU PANDA 2 3-D, PG ( 1 hr & 35 min )

where:  CENTURY 14 VALLEJO in Vallejo, CA
when:  Thursday, May 26th, 2011
show:  6:15 p.m.
costs:  $13.25 Ticket + $6.49 # 13 Angus Bacon &  Cheese Burger meal @ McDonald's Restaurant ( w/ Dr. Pepper-flavored Diet Coke ) before the movie + $1.00  1.20 oz. Jack Link's All-American Beef & Cheese ( bought @ the Dollar Tree Store & smuggled-in ) + $3.50 20 oz. Focus VitaminWater + $12.77 dinner @ Empire Chinese Buffet after the movie ( + $2.13 Tip ) = $39.14
auditorium:  14, with the 3-D screen
seat:  5th row, 7th column

synopsis/overview:  After learning Kung Fu, Po finds out that there is an enemy who wants to conquer China by using a new and deadly secret weapon to destroy Kung Fu.  Po gathers his fellow Kung Fu master friends to help him put a stop to the evil plans of their new enemy, Lord Shen.  But Po must first learn of his past to gather the inner strength and the inner peace that he needs to rise up to the challenge.

noteworthy scenes:  1.) Prediction; 2.) Inner peace; 3.) "My fists hunger for justice"; 4.) "I think I saw ....  I gotta go"; 5.) "Stinky tofu"; 6.) "Crazy vision";  7.) The "No Radishes Story"; 8.) "Parting gift"; 9.) New weapon; 10.) "Action figures"; 11.) Dream; 12.) "I don't think Hard Style is your thing; 13.) "Nothing has changed"; 14.) "Kinda plushy and cuddly"; 15.) "Stealth mode"; 16.) Street dragon; 17.) Jail; 18.) "Kung Fu is dead"; 19.) Rickshaw race; 20.) Surrender; 21.) "You're afraid for a reason"; 22.) "My old enemy ...."; 23.) The "beast"; 24.) "You do not know"; 25.) Decoy; 26.) "You were there"; 27.) "The only way out is up"; 28.) "Happiness must be taken"; 29.) "Tell me what happened that night"; 30.)   Tuning fork; 31.) Cannon fire; 32.) "Like you could make me drink that"; 33.) "Nightmare or memory"; 34.) "Stop fighting"; 35.) "Let it flow"; 36.) "It is the rest of  your story, who you choose to be"; 37.) Blockade; 38.) Volleys; 39.) "Skadoosh"; 40.) "How'd you find inner peace"; 41.) Fireworks; 42.) "I know who I am";  and 43.) Sanctuary.

favorite scene:  I liked the scene when Po issued a challenge to Lord Shen, who couldn't hear well the words spoken.

audience reaction:  The auditorium was not as packed as I thought that it would be.  I guess my target audience watched the 2-D version of  this movie, instead.  But the 3-D audience enjoyed this movie, although no one gave it a "Hands Clapper" ending.

recommendation:  I liked this second sequel in a rumored six-part series.  Go take your brats to see this movie.

spoiler alert!  It sure took Po long enough to figure-out the obvious.  If  Lord Shen was hell-bent on getting rid of  Kung Fu, why did he use Kung Fu to fight Po and the other Kung Fu masters?  Lord Shen should have just flapped his wings and waddled around like a crazy duck in front of  the Kung Fu masters, if he hated Kung Fu so much. The tuning fork ( ? ) which got stuck in a wooden beam left crack holes  instead of  split holes.  Why didn't the bad guys finish them off  with arrows as they floated helplessly when the ships passed them by?  All of those successive cannonball volleys that Po manipulated would have really heated-up the palms of  his hands.  The sanctuary scene at the end didn't make sense since, supposedly, the villagers were killed according to an earlier story.

fyi:  Black Gunpowder ( by weight ) is made out of  75% Potassium Nitrate, 15% Charcoal and 10% Sulfur, ground separately to a flour consistency and mixed with just enough urine into a "doughy" texture.  Let it dry ... and the rest is up to you--proceed at your own risk!  ( Outhouses, pig-pens  and bat-caves were the preferred sources of  Potassium Nitrate in the old days. )

I tried stinky tofu once.  Yuck!  It is truly an acquired taste--but why one would want to acquire such a taste is beyond me!

The most that I ever weighed in my life was when I was at 215 pounds.  It may not seem a lot to you, but I had a hard time walking up a long flight of  stairs at that weight.  It was just too heavy for my 5'6" frame.

I'm sure that you've all noticed by now that I have Google Adsense advertisements on my blogsite.  I spent the better part of  Sunday evening and Monday morning installing this and other  widgets.  I thought that to get ads posted on my site, all I had to do was sign-up for it.  I didn't know that there were other things that I needed to do first.  The Google techies are probably saying to each other, "Well, it's about time that he figured-out how to put ads on his blogsite!"  "Yeah, and it only took him like, what, one year and eleven months ...?"  "What a clueless idiot!"  And now that I have ads, I hope to receive revenues from them so that I can claim my movie-watching expenses on my tax return.  So, my dear readers, aren't you all even just a teeny, tiny bit curious about the ads on my site?  ( You are under my hypnotic spell.  Yield to temptation, yield ....  Bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha--snort!  )

I'll be installing a "contribute to a worthy cause"--my cause,  widget in the next few days.  And if  you are, or someone you know is,  a patron of  the Arts, sponsor me, please.  Or, better yet, hook me up with somebody influential in Hollywood so that I can help them churn-out logically better movies.

I also included my top-10 Popular Posts.  If you scroll down far enough, you'll see it.  But I'm surprised that none of  my blogs on 2012, BOOK OF ELI, LEGION, WHEN IN ROME, SPLICE, PIRANHA, TRANSFORMERS, HARRY POTTER, TWILIGHT, G.I. JOE, COP OUT, and a few others, ever made  the cut!  And I'm flummoxed by it.

word of  advice:  Focus clearly on your objective.

tidbits:  I wanted to watch this movie's Wednesday midnight show here in Vallejo, CA, but I overslept.  I was in Oakland, CA, all day Wednesday hoping to get a hold of  that bitch-neighbor of my friend, Hector, who did a hit-and-run on my Geo Metro.  But she didn't show-up.  Hector said that she was there everyday since the hit-and-run.   BUT SHE JUST DIDN'T SHOW-UP ON THE DAY THAT I PLANNED TO CONFRONT HER ABOUT IT--the dent on her black SUV and the dent on my white Geo Metro are an exact pair, according to Hector and his son, Ernesto.  And I would love for her to call the cops on me because I want her to explain to the cops why she committed a hit-and-run crime since only uninsured drivers would do such a thing.  Because I honestly believed that she doesn't have auto insurance.  She can call the cops on me so I can demand of her proof of auto insurance, and so that the cops can match the dents and the paints.  I'll try to catch that bitch again next week!  Anyway, I got home just before 9:00 p.m. and decided to take a little nap.  When I woke up, it was already after 5:00 a.m. the following day, Thursday.  No thanks to that low-life bitch!

I didn't get my money's worth at the Chinese buffet because I was still full when I went there for dinner.

Special Announcement:  I would like to take this time to say, Thank You and Welcome, to my readers in these countries:

Belgium, Fiji, Latvia, Suriname and Venezuela 

Thank you, once again.  Please keep reading my weekly updates.  And don't forget to tell your friends, and everyone else who you know, about my movie blogsite. 

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