Wednesday, November 15, 2023


I went to see this movie here at the Century 14 in Vallejo, CA, today, Tuesday, November 14th, 2023, an All Day Bargain Tuesday. The price of admission was $6.50. 

PG, 1h & 38m


Auditorium 12, B-6


This is a musical interpretation of the events leading up to the birth of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in the town of Bethlehem. 

FYI, His Apostles and Disciples addressed Him by His Hebrew/Aramaic name of Yeshua. Remember the prayer that He taught them, The Lord's Prayer. Which starts this way, "Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy πŸ‘‰WILLπŸ‘ˆ be done on Earth as it is in Heaven." All of the spirits, both good & bad, know The Son by His God-given Name! To put it in another way, if a highly respected and powerful foreign dignitary were to introduce you to his first born son, would you insult such a dignitary by greeting his son like this, " Wassup, Homey?" Or, "How ya doin', Sonny?" Or, "Nice to finally meet you, Junior!" et cetera .... It's why I address Him in my  prayers & supplications by His proper Name of Yeshua and by His proper Title of Ha'Mashiach because that is what God, The Father in Heaven, wants His own Son to be addressed by! And I'm not about to disrespect The One who saved me, through His Grace, from dying or getting killed many times, by calling His only begotten Son by any other name and/or title! Far Be It from Me❗

Back then, flirting with a betrothed girl was a big No-No!☝️ The Mosaic Law would have you killed for doing such a thing Because It Actually Breaks All 10 of The Commandments, if you really think about it. πŸ€”

As to the question of when Yeshua Ha'Mashiach was actually born, it was either on the 1st of Nisan in early Spring or on the 15th of Tishri in the Autumn season.


The 15th of Tishri is the stronger argument because Sukkot was when God tabernacled with Moses and the Israelites during the time in the desert 🏜️. And what better time for His Only Begotten Son to dwell among us mortals, too, in the New Covenant! But I must caution you that the Book of Numbers strictly forbids giving importance to certain numbers❗

I don't like this movie. The 3 Magis are more like the 3 Stooges; which is sacreligious, in a sense! The Magis learned to discern the stars' symbolisms from the Persian Order of Wise Men who were supposedly taught by the Prophet Daniel, himself.

Poor people back in Biblical times really didn't have such an extensive set of wardrobes! In fact, you probably have more clothes now than King Herod ever had back then ❗They pretty much wore the same clothes day in and day out until they outgrew them or their clothes became unrepairable. And you had better not be the youngest among your many siblings or you'd get an intimate understanding of what it truly was to be given hand-me-downs! ( Except in the case of Joseph whose older brothers were really pissed off at him because they couldn't get a "hand-me-up". What was Jacob even thinking?!?!?!  🀦‍♂️ )


Bear in mind that they didn't really wash their clothes that often back then! 🀒 The Butternut Squash hadn't arrived in Israel yet:


I didn't know that King Herod had female bodyguards, a la Muammar Gaddafi! 🀷‍♂️ 

The actress who plays the role of Mary, i.e. Mayriam, is too old for the part! Back then, girls were married off at 12 years of age or younger. Twenty four years ago, I came across a Hebrew Encyclopedia at the Benicia, CA, library that states that girls were indeed married off that young. In fact, they even have a word for a girl who was married off after she had her 1st period and another word for a girl who was married off BEFORE she started having her period! Unfortunately, I didn't think much of it back then and never wrote the Hebrew words down for future reference!  πŸ˜• It's speculated that Mary, or Mayriam, was of the latter kind. Understand that back then people had shorter lifespans and had to procreate sooner than later. Which of course, Joseph, i.e. Yosef, the contrarian that he was, did so at a later age, according to tradition. That's why the last mention of him in The Gospels was when Yeshua was around 12 years of age. And speaking of Mayriam, when the Angel Gabriel was with her, as she covered her face with the blanket, she actually exclaimed, "What the F()€K!" Or something that sounds ( Almost ) EXACTLY like it❗Mary, Mary, quite contrary ....  πŸ€ͺπŸ˜†πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

TIDBITS: I ate at Selecta Pilipino Buffet Restaurant before going to see this movie. I bought some lottery tickets, too. 

When I arrived at the theatre, the box office attendant was Mayliah, who I hadn't seen in quite a while. I gave her one of my cine-man cards so that she could check out my movie blogsite.

I ate too much and 😴 dozed πŸ’€ off πŸ˜ͺ a few times while watching this movie. But I don't think that I missed much .... 


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