Wednesday, October 19, 2011

50/50, R ( 1 hr & 39 min )

Quickie Review:  A man diagnosed with a rare form of  Cancer learns, through his ordeal and recovery, a valuable lesson:  Friendship, love, family, and humor are important and are good for the soul, the mind  and the body.  Based on a True Story.

I liked this "Feel-Good" movie.  The audience liked it, too.

Here are the things that I didn't like about this movie:  Why didn't toothpaste foam come bubbling out of her mouth as she spoke?  Since he had a painful back, why didn't they do the "Cowgirl position" on the floor, instead?  Why would you want someone with Cancer to sign an Organ Donor Form prior to surgery?  I mean, what if the Cancer has already metastasized?  It's like wanting/needing to harvest organs from an AIDS/HIV patient!  'Ridiculous.  And speaking of harvesting organs, they charge you an arm and a leg, whether you live or die during/after surgery, but they want to harvest your organs, if you die, for free---What A Rip-Off!  I say, if they want to harvest your organs if you die then they should not charge your next-of-kin for the surgery!  After all, they're gonna make a ton--I repeat, a TON,  of money off of your harvested organs when they do transplant them to some other people!  I live across the street from a hospital and a few blocks away ( walking distance ) from another hospital;  and, every now and then, I see doctors, nurses and other medical staff personnel smoke cigarettes on the sidewalk, NOT IN FRONT OF THE ENTRANCE DOORS!!!  Especially since there is a law banning cigarette smoking within 20 feet of a building's entrance.  ( But I don't know if the law applies to cigar smoking and/or pipe smoking.  Ha, ha, ha. )

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