Sunday, October 9, 2011

THE DEBT, R ( 1 hr & 40 min )

Quickie Review:  Three Mossad Secret  Agents who were sent to East Berlin in 1966 to track down a Nazi War Criminal, extricate him from the country and take him back to Israel for sentencing, live with a 30-year long dark secret that is about to upend their lives.

I liked this Spy Thriller well enough.  I can't say anything for the audience because there was no perceptible reaction from anyone of them.

Here are the things that I didn't like about the movie:  If I were an Ob/Gyn doctor and a beautiful and sexy  female patient wrapped her legs around my head, I'd know exactly what to do.  Ha, ha, ha--snort!   So, he's an Ob/Gyn doctor but his own wife couldn't conceive--this was not explained at all!  That '60s van sure drove like a Lexus: Very Quietly.  Unbelievable!  That East Berlin rundown apartment building shouldn't have enough insulation--if at all--between the walls and floors/ceilings so that  the "goings-on" and the commotions in that particular unit  should have easily been heard by their neighbors.  ( As an aside, my condominium complex here in the good ol' USA was built in 1974 and I can easily hear, and even feel at times,  what my neighbors do in their bedrooms!  I.y.k.w.i.m [ if you know what I mean ] ).  And while we're still on the subject, why couldn't the roommate hear what was going-on in the bedroom next door to his own room?  Her facial wound/scar was too angular for the type of slash-attack dealt her by the assailant.  Why didn't the doctor report the abduction?  At the party, why didn't the husband acknowledge the presence of his former associate whom he hadn't seen in years?  In the lecture hall, as soon as she left him behind, the lights turned-off  immediately--that doesn't happen at all in real life! In Ukraine, why did he recognize her right away after  such a long absence, which is enough time for senescence to kick-in ( Please ignore this question of mine since I just answered it )?  Heck, I couldn't even remember who some of my relatives were after not having seen them for just a few years--I'd usually pull my sister or my brother aside and ask, Who was that ...?  Come on, script writers and movie directors, be more realistic in your approach!

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