Saturday, October 29, 2011

IN TIME, PG-13 ( 1 hr & 55 min )

where:  EDWARD FAIRFIELD STADIUM 16 & I-MAX in Fairfield, CA
when:  Friday, October 28ht, 2011
show:  1:45 p.m.
costs:  $8.00 Ticket + $0.50 medium Zero Sprite ( upgraded from a free small drink with my movie watcher rewards card ) = $8.50
auditorium:  5
seat:  4th row, 4th seat

synopsis/overview:  In a future world where nobody ages past the age of 25, the only currency is Time.  The rich get to have as much time as they want and/or need.  But the poor struggle every day just to try to stay alive with their limited time on hand.  But one man, Will Salas ( Justin Timberlake ), decides to change all of that after he is falsely accused of murder and theft  when  he saves a suicidal rich man, by sheer happenstance,  from time thieves and is given the gift of a century in return.

noteworthy scenes:  1.) "Time is now the currency"; 2.) "Happy 50th"; 3.) 99 Seconds Only Store [ nice touch ]; 4.) Quota; 5.) Bar; 6.) "I know who took him"; 7.) "For a few to be immortal, many must die"; 8.) "Don't waste my time"; 9.) The bridge; 10.)  "You know that time will get you killed"; 11.) "You'd better run"; 12.) Death; 13.) "What was he doing in this Time Zone"; 14.) Border crossings; 15.) Surveillance video; 16.) Hotel; 17.) Casino; 18.) Insane; 19.) "Why are you investigating a suicide?  There are  mass murders in the ghetto everyday"; 20.) "Now you like the idea of sharing"; 21.) "I hope those are real"; 22.) "Your name's on a lot of buildings"; 23.) "He was doing something far more dangerous"; 24.) Stake-out; 25.) "He was giving them hope"; 26.) "Out of time"; 27.) "Stealing what's already stolen"; 28.) "Will, look out"; 29.) Cop car; 30.) "We look cute together"; 31.) "She doesn't appear to want to be rescued"; 32.) "You don't watch"; 33.) Bank robbery; 34.) Gifts; 35.) News; 36.) Strip poker; 37.) "So much for your theory"; 38.) Bus; 39.) Fully-booked; 40.) Line-up; 41.) "That's insulting"; 42.) Break-in; 43.) Hand-wrestling; 44.) "The time he's given away, Sir"; 45.) Cost of living increase; 46.) "Is it stealing if it's already stolen"; 47.) "Everybody wants to live forever"; 48.) "Shoot on sight"; 49.) "You can run"; 50.) The time-keeper's time; 51.) "You can do a lot in a day"; 52.) 100 years; and 53.) "You almost missed your calling."

favorite scenes:  I liked the "Will, Look Out!" scene.  Her "funny face" was a blast!

And I liked the Hand-Wrestling scene.

audience reaction:  The reaction was so-so.

recommendation:  I didn't particularly like this movie that much.  It definitely isn't a Thinking Man's type of Sci-Fi movie--I don't mean to insult or disrespect everyone else.

Just allow me to present my argument in my ...

spoiler alert!  There are so many things wrong with this movie that I have a hard time figuring-out where to begin my argument.  But, here goes ....

At the earliest, we can peg the start time of this movie's events approximately 105 years from our present year of 2011 which would set it in the year 2116 a.d.,  assuming that we at present have the Science and Technology to make this bio-engineered "fountain of youth" marvel medically feasible and available.  It is estimated that by the end of this year, our World Population will have reached Seven Billion!  [ Update:  According to the Monday, October 31st, 2011 edition of the Contra Costa Times newspaper, the World Population is already at Seven Billion--and counting! ]  If we have this technology now, the rich and powerful will be the first ones to get their greedy/selfish  hands on it.  And I'm talking about the ones that are over 25 years of age already--people like Bill Gates, the Sultan of Brunei, Donald Trump, etc!  So, this movie should have had old farts who stopped their aging process at an old fart age!  Now, for those who are 25 and under today, there is still the daunting logistics involved in the medical administration of this obviously expensive bio-engineered "fountain of youth" serum/device/or whatever it is.  Who gets to have it, and who gets to shoulder the costs of administering this thing to billions of people?  There would be mass rioting and revolts everywhere!  Logically speaking, a whole number of people will have to be exterminated first!  Because if everyone were to be given this thing, the whole world would experience unprecedented crises in the limited availability of food and water, and the exponential increase in toxic pollution and other such ecological hazards, to boot.  Add to this mix the fact that a long-life host will have microbial pathogens and diseases that will evolve into hardier strains--more money/time for the Drug Companies!  Now, the rich don't want to acquire all that time only to lose it doing something really stupid.  Which is probably why I didn't notice even one motorcycle in this movie at all.  But ... they travel around in vehicles that take their design and styling cues from vehicles of  the 60s and 70s--and without airbags, rollbars  and headrests on top of all that!  How stupidly ironic is that?  A hundred and five years into the feature and they still use what suspiciously looks like a modified M1911 Colt 45 Pistol which was invented way back in 1911!  Even as I write this, pistols are already designed without a need for a magazine and without a firing pin ( go to YouTube and watch: Deadliest weapons ever invented--Metal Storm ).  Such handguns have bullets chambered bilaterally and fired via electronic ignition!  One  of these guns can fire explosive, armor-piercing bullets at a rate of 250,000 ( yes, you read that right ) rounds per minute.  And another one of these guns can fire .45 caliber bullets at a rate of 1,000,000 ( yes, again, you read that right ) rounds per minute!  And we here in the good ol' USA now have guns designed for urban warfare that shoot smart bullets which can kill an enemy sniper hiding behind a thick concrete wall!  What if you got into a fight or had a bad accident that damaged your implanted bio-engineered time clock?  Do you go to a clock repair shop for it?  What if the person was an amputee or, worse, a double amputee, what then?  No security video of the suicidal man on the bridge was ever found, but they found one of Will's!  How stupid ....  "You know that time will get you killed"---Speak for yourself, you f--king alcoholic!  Ha, ha, ha.  I don't know about you, but if a beautiful, hot and sexy woman like that was desperately trying to hitch a ride from somebody--heck--I'd give her a ride right away ( Yogi or not, here I come ); and I wouldn't care how old she would be because she wouldn't be a day over 25 as far as I'd be  concerned.  Bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha--snort!  Will's mother ran for 1 1/2 hours without sweating profusely and without panting loudly?  Hah!  Yeah, right ....   It costs 8 1/2 week's worth of time for some lousy Continental Breakfast at some uppity hotel?  I guess that they don't have a 99 Seconds Only Store or a MacDonald's Restaurant in New Greenwich to go buy some breakfast items at!  Question:  What do you call a skinny-dipper who swims in the sea at night with his arm glowing in the dark?  Answer:  Shark-bait!  And speaking of skinny-dipper, there was no nudity in this one--at least one that was clearly VISIBLE, anyway.  Whether the time transferred was Ten Years, One Hour or Fifteen Minutes, the transfer time stayed the same, pretty much!  Why didn't any of them wear a lockable shield for their left forearms and a lockable glove for their right hands when they went out to socialize?  Hmm ... maybe I should invent these lockable security forearm and hand shields and go into the future and earn a ton of Time!  For the better part of his life, he didn't have a car 'cause he couldn't afford to have one; then, all of a sudden, we see him handling a sports car like a pro!   Hmm, that was a new one:  His car actually could go faster in reverse!  They hid under the bridge when it was still very dark at night but ... 1 1/2 hours later, they were in the bright of day!  They knew where he lived but they didn't do a stake-out of his place right away.  Why did that one guy turn his back on the bad guy as he walked away?  When she shot at the time-keeper ( Cillian Murphy ), she made a "funny face."  Had I been the one she shot at, even if she just grazed me, I'd probably die laughing because of the really "funny face" that she made!  The time-keepers supposedly worked in shifts; but this particular time-keeper worked 24-7, it seemed, because he was shown on-the-clock morning and night!  They have payphones but no cellphones in the future, a hundred years from now--Okay ....  Those cop cars don't have Lo-Jacks?  There were no guards at the bank.  Why didn't the time-keeper's car have a voice-recognition app?  I mean, come on!  Really.  I guess using your right hand to shake hands with another is So Totally out of the question!  And you can just forget about using your left hand to shake hands with somebody because it is considered Taboo in many cultures!  Yet, again, another Hollywood movie with that visually-annoying practically dry aqueduct used as a setting for some scenes; I don't even think that people are allowed to park their cars down there in the first place in real life today!

Oh, Hollywood, when are you gonna smarten-up and use my services as script consultant and scene editor?  I can help to make your movies more appealing to the Smart Crowd if you just give me a chance.

fyi:  More than likely, this movie draws its inspiration from the New Testament of the Bible's Book of Revelation ( a.k.a. The Apocalypse )  Chapter 13, Verses 16 through 18, about the Mark of the Beast.

This movie gives new meaning to Time Theft.

word of advice:  Have some time on your hands.

Time is precious.

Don't waste your time.

tidbits:  At the concessions counter, a female employee said, "Oh, you're back."  I told her that I review movies on-line.  Then, I gave her one of my Cine-Man cards.

Special Announcement:  I would like to take this time to say, Thank You and Welcome, to my readers in ...

Sri Lanka

Thank you, once again.  Please keep on reading my weekly updates.  And don't forget to tell all of your friends, and every one else who you know, about my movie review blogsite.

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