Tuesday, January 16, 2024


I saw this horror movie today, Tuesday, January 16th, 2024, via my TUBI Streaming App, on the small screen of my computer πŸ’».

Don't they have a remote control for that not-so-old television πŸ“Ί?

I find it hard to believe that such a bird could fly into a ventilation shaft where the slats are too narrowly spaced for a bird of its size to fly through, without fully extending out its own wings to slip in. 

"I know you're not my Aunt!" 😲

I don't honestly have what it takes to be a live-in nurse. The slow burn would drive me insane! And it would be too depressing for me to be around such patients. Live-in nurses have my respect for their hard work, patience and dedication.

I didn't know that supermarket meat is pumped with Carbon Monoxide(?) to keep the meat from turning brown. I always thought πŸ€” that they use food coloring on meat. I'll have to check this one out with the butchers at a local supermarket! πŸ‘Œ

Why would the military have Narcoleptic soldiers for? Imagine having to go out on patrol with a bunch of them! 😴

If a country doctor could be able to meet them at the local post office, why couldn't such a doctor make an emergency house call? 🀷‍♂️

So, a ghost πŸ‘» which haunts a particular place is just another name for a Sanzaru? Hmm, I'll have to use this Japanese word for paranormal encounters from now on.

Aspirins would do in a pinch if you need a blood thinner--just don't ingest too much of it ❗

Why doesn't the headstone πŸͺ¦ have dates on it? 🀦‍♂️

And calling this a "horror" movie is quite a stretch! I'd recommend this movie to an insomniac who might be able to use this as a sleep aid. πŸ˜ͺ

I would get the same enjoyment out of watching a pot of beans 🍲 simmer for the same length of time. Talk about a "slow burn" ....  πŸ˜’
This movie which I blogged about back on
October 13th of last year got a subjective
Audience Score of 91%. On the flip side
of the coin is Sanzaru's objective score
of 91% on the Tomatometer, the same
score!?!?!? The 1521 movie does not
deserve such a score except, of
course, if it's just a "partition
award" which lacks any
artistic merit. πŸ‘Ž
I really enjoyed this Triangle Of Sadness
movie. This one should have been
even-steven in both scores. It
would have been well worth
it had I blogged about this
particular movie, if not
for the "moderated"
time-out imposed
on my blogsite! 

This is yet another good movie with a
Pinay in the leading role. I like it but
not the subject matter. Which is
why I didn't blog about it. The
actress was also in Jokoy's
which was just a
so-so. πŸ˜•


When I did my morning walk 🚢‍♂️at the park, I walked by the Foley Cultural Center 'cause
there were many people in there who 
were listening to someone giving a
presentation. I didn't even stop. I
just walked past the door when some ass-
hole security guard in a bullet-proof vest
accosted me and asked me what the
hell I was doing. I told mister A-
Hole wannabe cop that I was
just walking around because
I had Open Heart Surgery and I have
Congestive Heart Failure and need to walk
around the park and the Sutter Hospital
parking lot every day for my Heart
Condition. It was all that I could
do to maintain a civil tongue! 


The Baseball ⚾/Soccer ⚽ Sports Field is 
almost ready. But some assholes just
couldn't wait to trespass and play
soccer on the field!  🀬
Entitled Aliens❗
Yup, the fence is fallen down again!!! 


It is nice to see that the "moderator" opened
the access to my blogsite again. Thanks to
all of my readers in Singapore for rallying
to my support! πŸ₯‡
And it's also good to see some of my readers
in China and in India, once again πŸ‘Œ❗πŸ‘


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